A compelling personal statement is a great approach to demonstrate to the admissions committee because you would be an asset to their program as a prospective student. In this article, we will discuss a personal nursing statement and how to write a personal nursing statement. We will also mention elements to include and factors to consider when putting together your nursing personal statement, and we will provide a template and a practical example to help guide you.

Personal statement for nursing school

A personal statement in nursing is a concise essay that an applicant produces as part of the application process for a nursing degree. Writing personal statements is as challenging as crafting a nursing diagnosis. It provides a more intimate look into a candidate’s drive, enthusiasm, and work ethic, complementing the candidates’ grades and other measurable elements in the selection process. In addition, applicants have the opportunity to elaborate on the reasons behind their desire to enroll in a particular nursing school and how they believe their previous experiences qualify them to succeed in the program.

What is a personal statement for nursing school?

You will probably notice that the majority of nursing school applications need a personal statement while you are in the process of applying to nursing schools. A personal statement is a brief essay, often no more than two pages, that provides insight into who you are to the colleges and universities to which you are applying. Be careful to verify the exact criteria of the institutions you are interested in applying to since each institution has a unique set of rules regarding the length and the substance of your statement. Your objectives for nursing school and the motivations for your decision to become a nurse are two subjects often mentioned in interviews.

How long should a personal nursing statement be

You need to ensure that you seek this information since the application form for the institution could specify how lengthy the personal statement has to be. The typical length of a personal statement is between 500 and 1,000 words, equal to one to two sides of the typed paper using the A4 paper size.

It is important to keep your statement short and to the point to make it simple to read. In addition to that, it should be understandable and not complicated in any way. Avoid going above the word count since doing so may give the impression that you cannot follow demands and may ultimately backfire against you. Because of this, you may need to adjust your statement and make it conform to the standards.

Why nursing personal statement

The nursing profession is one of the most satisfying jobs, but getting into the field requires a combination of academic study and hands-on experience. In addition, you will be required to provide a high quality of care after you have qualified; thus, the application procedure is quite difficult, and great expectations are placed on you. Therefore, in addition to submitting your application, you must provide an engaging personal statement for the nursing school.

Perfect personal statement nursing

Let’s go through some helpful hints you may use to make your statement even better. If you use these suggestions, your nursing statement will be able to stand out while still maintaining its authenticity and genuineness.

1) Create a timeline

In writing your statement, you should make expressing your narrative the primary emphasis. You may more effectively convey the tale of how you decided to apply for nursing school if you create a detailed chronology of the events leading up to that decision. Begin with discussing how you got interested in nursing, describe events that have contributed to the growth of your expertise, and then wrap up by discussing your educational program and the objectives you have for the future. Your essay will be much simpler to read if you include a chronology, and the admissions committee will get a better sense of where you are in your path by reading it.

2) Stay focused on the task at hand

If the school(s) you are applying to provide you with a particular prompt for your statement, you should go back to it while you are writing your essay to guarantee that you are on the right track. For instance, if your prompt presents you with a question, you should ensure that you respond to the question at the beginning and the conclusion of your essay and throughout the body of your paper. Your statement shouldn’t be ambiguous or go too far from its intended topic.

3) Be sincere in your expression

When writing your statement for nursing school, discussing what sets you apart from other applicants is essential. This is your opportunity to explain to the admissions committee why you would be an excellent candidate for their program and highlight the skills and experiences you bring to the table. Include authentic events you’ve had throughout your life that have encouraged you to pursue a career in nursing. You must convey your interests and motivations in the personal statement that you will submit for nursing school.

4)  Carry out some research

Doing an extensive study on the nursing school, you are applying to and including that information in your statement is a wonderful approach to set yourself apart from other applicants. Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the particular program. You’re applying may offer you an advantage over other applicants and make a good impression on the committee in charge of admissions. When incorporating your research into your writing, be sure to do it in a way that flows naturally from what you’ve already written. Instead of merely providing facts, use your research to tie your personal experiences to the program.

Nursing school personal statement

It is essential to consider that your nursing statement will be included with your application to the nursing program. Your nursing statement will support the rest of your application, including all of the information it contains, such as your experience, grades, and credentials. It gives your application a more personal touch, and you have the opportunity to elaborate on topics such as why you want to enter the nursing profession and why you have a love for nursing. How devoted and hard-working, you are within the context of this section.

Nursing personal statement examples

As the wheelchair’s wheels went slowly in reverse, I walked back down the slope, my arms bearing the wheelchair’s weight. My grandmother’s hair glowed in the sunshine as she sat in her wheelchair, surrounded by trees. Despite not seeing her, I heard my grandma giggling with delight as she took in the fresh air for the first time in weeks.

Two years ago, my grandma moved in with my family after suffering a broken hip. Nurse George came to my grandmother’s house daily to help with personal care, vital signs monitoring, and physical therapy exercises, even though she recovered most of the way there. Also, George showed me some fundamental patient care procedures, such as properly holding a wheelchair as it descends. Before George, I’d never given much thought to pursuing a career in nursing. Still, he opened my eyes to the satisfaction of assisting others with their illnesses and injuries.

In light of your program’s focus on rehabilitative nursing, I’m eager to apply to Fern Hill’s College of Nursing. Being a member of my grandmother’s recovery team has given me the motivation to seek a nursing profession in which I can aid individuals in their recovery from various medical problems or injuries they have sustained. I’m hoping that the focus on helping patients restore their self-sufficiency that your institution places on may aid me in achieving these career goals.

I’ve been volunteering at Jefferson Rehabilitation Center regularly since I realized I want to be a nurse. As a mentor and caregiver for the children of drug rehabilitation patients, I work with young people battling addictions. Getting a real “thank you” from a patient or mentee is one of the most rewarding feelings. I can’t imagine working in any field where I don’t get to assist others in overcoming their difficulties and finding their way back to health.

Through aiding my grandma and patients at Jefferson, I have come to understand the need for empathy and open dialogue. Most of the time, my mentees just want someone to hear what they say. I try my best to provide them with a safe place to tell their story without fear of criticism. Patients prefer working with someone adaptable and sensitive, regardless of whether they are dealing with an emotional or physical problem. I feel I demonstrate these traits by listening attentively and allowing people to express themselves at their speed.

By pursuing a nursing degree, I’m eager to learn more about patient care from a professional and technical standpoint. Regarding my future nursing profession, Fern Hill’s College of Nursing is the only school that will do.”

The following are some reasons why the above example is an excellent illustration: It’s clear from this sample that the author put a lot of effort into explaining how they came to be interested in nursing. Their journey from the moment they first considered a career in nursing to the point when they started honing their abilities via voluntary work is documented in detail. The applicant additionally explains why they’re interested in the program and how they think they can contribute to the institution and the field in their cover letter. If writing a nursing personal statement is challenging you, visit Nursing Papers market for expert help.

Nursing personal statement samples

While growing up in an area with abundant medical facilities, I saw many people enter and go via the hospital’s double doors. As a child, this piqued my curiosity about the medical industry. I was certain that one day I wanted to work in a field where I could help people in need. To prepare for further study, I have taken classes in the scientific and social sciences and a few electives. I am now ready to apply to Johns Hopkins University’s nursing school, which is the next step in my education.

After completing a nursing shadowing internship three years ago, I was able to see the everyday challenges that nurses face and how they cope with them. I got the chance to work in critical care and trauma, as well as obstetrics and geriatrics, during my stay at the hospital. Nurses have a wide range of responsibilities in the healthcare industry, and these experiences have shown me the necessity of empathy and devotion to patient care.

The University of Johns Hopkins Is well-known all around the globe for its dedication to patient well-being and scientific discovery. Aside from delivering excellent patient care and participating in the various clinical studies at Hopkins, I aim to help further the institution’s mission of developing novel medicines. Johns Hopkins’ hands-on training and skilled staff have convinced me that I’ll be able to get the most out of my nursing education and become a nursing practitioner who can positively impact patient health.”

What makes this an excellent example: The author establishes a timeline and identifies the key material in this case. Then, the writer discusses how they initially got interested in nursing, the courses they’ve completed, and the experiences that have led them to become more committed to the profession. They also explain why they’re interested in Johns Hopkins’ program and end by stating what they’ll bring to the table as an enrolled student.

Nursing school personal statement examples

I first learned about the importance of nurses as a profession when I was a little kid and had to deal with several illnesses and injuries. To my delight, and as a way to express my innate capacity for empathy, this intrigued and ultimately convinced me. As a nurse, I find these to be incredibly inspiring. They help people and their families through tough times when they are most vulnerable and do so while working in a demanding and hard profession that demands a great deal of them. As a result, I’ve always wanted to become a children’s nurse, and I believe I’m now ready to do so.

Because of my empathy for the weakest people, I feel nursing is the job I will be most suited for. As a result of my ability to empathize with others, I would be able to establish an effective nurse-patient connection that would put the kid and family at rest, enabling them to turn to me for support and direction. In my opinion, a nurse’s work requires a great deal of self-assurance. Strong self-confidence is essential to providing high-quality patient care in difficult conditions. Traumatic events are not uncommon in nursing, making it a demanding profession.

Because of everything I learned in college, this is my chosen job path. I’ve had the opportunity to work with children and families from many walks of life after completing four internships in primary schools, preschool nurseries, and children’s centers. Through these early experiences, I learned how to best help young children struggling in the classroom. I had the pleasure of working with children with intellectual challenges, and it was gratifying to observe their progress.

This placement has allowed me to learn more about children’s development, which has helped me develop the capacity to build trusting relationships with patients. In addition, I’ve worked with children that exhibited problematic behavior, so I’m well-versed in identifying and addressing each kid’s unique challenges and requirements. Through this, I can empower each kid and their family to get tailored treatment, allowing each child to realize their full potential. This is a huge accomplishment for me.

My experiences have greatly inspired my desire to work with children in clinical placements, and I now want to pursue a career as a child nurse. Seeing how their attitude and confidence have improved has given me a feeling of pleasure that I was able to assist them in reaching this point in their lives. Currently, I’m working at a children’s center that helps children and families in need.

Seeing parents and their children develop a strong relationship with the assistance of my support has also encouraged me since my position as a family support specialist was something I much liked. To help more vulnerable parents succeed in their parenting roles, it is necessary to work together as a team and be flexible. I have always been a great team member and have always taken leadership roles, so I believe that I thrive in this kind of setting.

It will be an eye-opening experience for me to work at the Megan Baker House, where I will provide conductive education for children with motor disorders and assist children with a range of life-changing impairments to gain independence. To be able to provide one-on-one assistance and support to every one of the afflicted families at a time when they are most in need is something I believe will be immensely fulfilling. It is a goal I want to realize in the not-too-distant future.

As a result of these events, I’m even more determined to become a pediatric nurse.

Accelerated nursing personal statement examples

Because I’m applying to the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing’s Accelerated Bachelor’s degree for non-nurses, I must submit a personal statement as part of the application process. A secondary purpose of my statement is to show how my beliefs and aspirations align with the educational route I’ve selected, as well as to showcase my ability to articulate my thoughts in a concise, logical, and orderly way.

As an exchange student at 16 when I first arrived in the United States, I’ve been studying in the United States ever since. Killeen High School was where I graduated in 2008, and I went on to get my Bachelor of Arts from the University of Texas. My primary academic focus was on sociology, and my secondary focus was on public health. Following graduation, I have discovered that I am much more interested in jobs that allow me to deal with people daily and support individuals who cannot look for themselves.

I gave up Buddhism when I was a sophomore in college and became a Catholic because I felt a stronger connection to it than I had to Buddhism. As a result of my new religion, I’ve been active in several volunteer initiatives, including social work and public health research. For example, at the JTBC Public Health Corp., I worked as a personal assistant to a public health administrator for one year. During my time in the United States, I gained a greater understanding of the public health system and some practical experience in public health management.

It wasn’t until the end of my internship that I decided to become involved in another volunteer program, which completely shifted my professional path. I realized I wanted to be a nurse after volunteering at a public community hospital. My goal is to build on my practical experience with nursing theory to become a professional and achieve my ambition of becoming a nurse a year after I begin my nursing education.

I’d characterize myself as friendly, happy, loving, and eager to selflessly aid anyone in need. There were five siblings, and being the oldest meant that I was responsible for the upbringing of my four younger brothers. With my mentality and inclination to serve others, I can see no higher objective in life than to pursue a career in this field for the rest of my days.

Nursing personal statement format

Write your statement in the following format:

1) Describe a personal experience that relates to your desire to become a nurse in the opening paragraph of your essay.

2) Include your education, professional experience, and certifications.

3) Include a paragraph describing your unique talents and providing examples to support your assertions.

4) If you’re a good fit for the course, explain why.

5) Connecting your tale to your statement about why you’re curious is a good way to wrap up.

How to write a personal statement for nursing school

Writing a personal statement for nursing school may be broken down into three easy steps:

Decide on where you want to go to college

To write a personal statement for nursing school, you must first decide which schools you want to apply to. The best way to choose a nursing school that is right for you is to research on your own. Then, if feasible, speak with an admissions representative or go on a school tour.

Make a timetable

Make a plan for when you want to finish each part of your statement and the rest of your application, and stick to it. For example, include the deadlines for all the schools you are interested in for your application. Knowing when you’d want to finish key portions of your statement, such as the outline or draft, will help you keep organized and manage your time effectively, even when the dates you set may vary.

 Prepare a statement of purpose

Before writing your statement for nursing school, sketch down a few ideas. The topic of your statement may be aided by engaging in some creative writing activities. Try writing whatever comes to mind in response to the question for your statement without stopping for a predetermined period. A more structured outline, including information on the introduction, middle section, and conclusion, may also be created using this method.

Nursing personal statement opening lines

The primary goal of your UCAS personal statement is to create an impression. Therefore, you should leave the reader wanting and needing to continue reading from the first few phrases.

With this in mind, there are a few corny introductory lines you should avoid.

“I’m applying for this course because…”

“I’ve always wanted to be a nurse…”

“I’ve had a desire my whole life……”

How to write a personal nursing statement

Investigate the program – You’ll be better equipped to support your claim by learning more about the university nursing program. It is possible to explain why you are interested in pursuing a career in nursing in a personal statement. All the courses and colleges you’re applying to should be thoroughly researched before submitting your application. As a result, you can craft a unique customized remark for each recipient.

If you’re applying to a university, you’ll be given specific guidelines on what to include in your statement. You must read and adhere to the instructions provided in the course syllabus. You’ll be able to demonstrate your ability to adhere to instructions by doing this.

As you think about why you want to be a nurse, think about your motivations and experiences. Using this guide, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to write a personal statement for nursing school that stands out. First, however, you must ensure that the reasons and incentives you choose to align with the guidelines.

Sharing a personal story is a great way to personalize your statement for nursing school. As a result, it will be simpler for the reader to comprehend and retain the information. For example, recalling your enthusiasm for nursing might be done by recounting a personal experience that connects to this goal.

Sample nursing personal statement

Since I was a kid, I’ve wanted to be a nurse. But unfortunately, I couldn’t get the education I needed since my parents couldn’t afford it.

The birth of my final kid, an asthmatic with severe eczema, has prompted me to return to school to fulfill a lifelong goal. I’m more driven to reach my objective because of the encouragement I received from the medical personnel.

In 2001, I enrolled in Pre Access to Science Study to align my interests and ambitions with my abilities.

I’m currently enrolled in Lambeth College’s Access to Nursing course, where I’m working to broaden and deepen my background in the sciences, particularly biology, chemistry, mathematics, psychology, English, and information technology, as well as developing study skills and improving my ability to communicate effectively in the workplace. In the year 2003, I will have a better chance of getting into the university thanks to them.

As a mental health nurse, this course will assist me in interacting effectively with a wide range of individuals, meeting deadlines and situations, and developing essential abilities. Biology and Study Skills are two of my all-time favorite topics.

In my role as a mother of three, I like working with my children, helping them with their school tasks, and working closely with the schools to help them improve their performance and development

My church’s youth department needed a Coordinator, and I volunteered my time to fill that role. In addition to organizing, planning, and directing programs, I participate in contests, festivals, and song revivals with other youth groups in the neighborhood.

As a volunteer, I also generate money for the elderly and vulnerable. Taking on these responsibilities has allowed me to sharpen my problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Patients’ and their family’s needs have become clearer to me as a Care Assistant since I’ve had the opportunity to work in several areas.

Personal care for the patient, such as bathing, dressing, feeding, and washing, are all part of my job description. In addition, as a healthcare team member, I must keep patients informed of any significant changes in their health status, protect patient confidentiality, and participate in educational opportunities that will help me fulfill the high expectations of my colleagues and patients alike.

Taking on these responsibilities has given me more experience, helped me deal with tough situations on my own, and made me more compassionate and concerned about the sentiments of others. As a result, despite my obligations, I can maintain a healthy work-life balance while attending to my family’s needs.

For fun, I like to read current events and folktales with my children and prepare international cuisine. I’m certain that the education I’ll get at your top-notch nursing school will provide me with the tools I need to be a successful nurse.

Nursing personal statement template

You should adhere to a certain format while writing your UCAS personal statement to guarantee that it is properly organized. Personal statements should be written in the following style.

In this first paragraph, describe why you want to become a nurse. This will assist in establishing a rapport with the other person.

At this stage, you may look at your employment history and education. This is also the place to go through any necessary credentials.

In the third paragraph, discuss and provide proof of the talents you possess that are relevant to the post.

Explain why you’re a suitable candidate to become a nurse and take the course in paragraph 4.

Discuss why you’d want to take the course at this point in the discussion. You should also ensure that this connects to your introductory narrative or anecdote.


If you’re applying to nursing school, your nursing personal statement should demonstrate how you’ll be a valuable asset to the nursing program at your chosen institution via a series of specific instances. Therefore, it’s important to tailor your statement to the program you are applying to. Not advised is the practice of submitting a generic personal statement with each application. Instead, before you begin writing, make a detailed outline of your essay and stick to the instructions provided.

