Most healthcare professionals develop a set of values that guide their patient care decisions and keep them motivated at work. You can create your philosophy of nursing as a nurse to outline the values, beliefs, and goals that drive you to be a practical nurse.

This article will discuss what a nursing philosophy is, why it is essential, and how to write a nursing philosophy paper. We will also provide some examples of nursing philosophy to assist you in developing your nursing philosophy statement. Let’s begin by drafting a relevant and precise philosophy nursing definition.

What is a nursing philosophy?

As a nursing student, “nursing philosophy” has run through your ears frequently. It is a personal statement written by a nurse involving what nursing as a career means to them and how that meaning manifests itself in them when delivering services. It is an explanation that goes beyond the scope of a job description. A complete nursing philosophy combines personal ideas about experiences, goals, and beliefs to outline the hidden significance behind the daily duty performance.

It’s a reference letter that will help you assess where you are as a professional and where you need and aim to reach your career. Many nurses develop nursing philosophy statement examples as part of their nursing education or when applying for jobs. Regardless of where the push for philosophy comes from, the thought that goes into working through it has the same result.

Going through the process of developing your nursing philosophy forces you to think critically, bringing to light your personality that impacts your career. It gives meaning and purpose to everything you’ve learned, practiced, and plan to do in the future. When they encounter challenges, having a well-developed, using nursing philosophy examples inspires you to deliver the best. It reminds you why you’re supposed to do what you’re doing rather than anything else.

Is it true that every nurse has a personal philosophy of nursing?

Whether they acknowledge it or not, every nurse has a personal nursing philosophy. A philosophy of nursing essay should entail the beliefs about what nursing is and is not, what you value as an individual, and what you hope to accomplish as a nurse.

What are the essential elements to consider in a personal nursing philosophy paper?

Although a nursing philosophy paper has several elements, the critical components of any nursing philosophy are role, knowledge, values, and process. Each component that should be considered when developing a personal nursing philosophy is described briefly below.

• Role

The responsibility of the care provider or manager is related to their membership in the nursing profession. While providing and managing patient care, this role emphasizes the nurse’s responsibility to patients and the profession.

• Knowledge

Knowledge is associated with the academic and clinical experiences of the nurse, as well as how those experiences relate to the nurse’s role.

• Values

The beliefs that guide the nurse’s attitude, behavior, and moral judgment are values. Personal or professional values can exist. Cultural and social influences, individual needs, and relationships all impact them. Furthermore, professional values influence how a nurse performs nursing duties.

•  Process

The process is the system that nurses use to implement and, when necessary, modify nursing interventions. Nursing philosophy acknowledges the nurse’s responsibility for continuously using the nursing process to enhance better health outcomes.

What is the significance of a nursing philosophy?

1. Enhance your interactions with patients, their families, and colleagues

Understanding your nursing-related values, such as integrity, dependability, and respect can assist you in approaching each interaction to uphold those values. For example, you could demonstrate reliability by helping a fellow nurse with a complex procedure, or you could demonstrate integrity by admitting a mistake and working to correct it.

2. Maintain your motivation during professional challenges

You may face workplace challenges such as long shifts and high-pressure patient situations as a nurse. Remembering why you want to be a nurse can help you stay motivated and focused while overcoming obstacles. For example, your philosophy may revolve around making a difference in patients’ lives, which may help you put your overnight shifts into perception.

3. Allow you to create a concise and captivating resume objective

When applying for a nursing position, you can include a resume and an objective or summary statement explaining why you’re a great nurse and passionate about patient care. Writing this objective may be easier if you have already considered and written out your nursing philosophy, which frequently includes one or both of these components.

4. Assist you in preparing responses to common nursing interview questions

Interviewers are likely to inquire about why you chose nursing, what motivates you, and how your values align with the organization’s values. While preparing for your interview, review your nursing philosophy statement to help craft responses to these questions. Employers may approach your nursing philosophy in some cases, so reviewing it before the interview can help you recite it more effectively.

5. Make decisions about your career development based on this information

The effect you want to have as a nurse is frequently a vital aspect of nursing philosophy. You can use this element to guide you in choosing nursing roles, furthering your education, earning professional certifications, and getting into leadership roles that all coincide with your philosophy.

How to draft a personal nursing philosophy essay?

It is empowering to understand your nursing philosophy. You better understand how to focus your energy on day-to-day responsibilities and weigh difficult decisions in light of your values and beliefs.

Your philosophy will evolve as you gain experience, depending on the situations you face and the learning opportunities you pursue. You can begin understanding your current philosophy by asking yourself the questions below.

1.      Determine what initially drew you to nursing

Being treated by a competent nurse, having a family member who is a nurse, or watching nurses care for a loved one can inspire you to pursue a career in nursing. Consider the people and events that inspired you to become a nurse to understand why you chose this profession over others. For instance, you may have selected nursing over medical school because you want to work more closely with patients.

2.      Ascertain why nursing is critical to you

Determine what you gain from caring for patients, educating people about overall health, and working with a team of healthcare professionals to treat a wide range of patients. Perhaps you enjoy developing relationships with patients and making them feel at ease during their treatment, or maybe you want the challenge of working in a fast-paced medical environment where you have the opportunity to save lives. Include this component in your nursing philosophy statement to increase motivation and personal connection to your role.

3.      Describe your professional strengths as a nurse

Knowing what skills you possess can help you use your philosophy statement to solidify and strive to improve your abilities as a nurse. You can either list the personality traits and skills required to be a nurse or the skills and attributes you possess that make you a noble nurse, such as:

  • Empathy
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Integrity
  • Leadership
  • Kindness
  • Time management
  • Organization

Then, choose a few that you are exceptionally skilled at or believe will help you make the most significant impact as a nurse.

4.      List your values

List the personal values that guide your approach to patient care as a nurse. Some examples of values could be:

  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Service
  • Community
  • Accountability
  • Equality
  • Patience
  • Teamwork
  • Quality

Then, consider how your values relate to your nursing practice. For instance, if your values include service, teamwork, and accountability, you could link them to your philosophy as follows:

•  Being a nurse is a service to your society and your patients and their families.

•  To provide comprehensive care, you must cooperate as part of a healthcare team.

•  As a nurse, accountability entails holding yourself to the facility’s and the healthcare community’s standards to provide the best and safest care possible.

5.      Think about how you want to make a difference as a nurse

Your nursing philosophy statement should also include your professional goals as a nurse, motivating and guiding you as you advance in your career. For example, your positive impact could be to improve people’s lives in your community through health education, or you could create a comfortable treatment environment for patients suffering from chronic illnesses.

6.      As your nursing career progresses, reconsider your nursing philosophy

As you progress in your nursing career and overcome personal and professional impediments, your perspective on the nursing profession and your goals may shift. To ensure that your nursing philosophy unfolds with you, review and revise it regularly to include any new skills, traits, values, motivations, goals, or patient care strategies.

Tips for writing an A+ nursing philosophy paper

Here are some more suggestions to help you write your nursing philosophy statement:

•         Keep it short

Write one to three sentences to keep your statement concise, which will help you remember it and use it in your resume or nursing interviews.

•         Make it as actionable as possible.

Use active verbs to persuade you to follow your philosophy through specific steps.

•         Keep a copy somewhere; you will see it frequently.

Consider writing it down and putting it somewhere you’ll see it every day, like your work locker or desk.

Philosophy of nursing examples

Use the personal philosophy of nursing essay examples provided below to help you write your own:

  • “As a nurse, I want to provide personalized care to every patient I see in the hospital rather than simply treating their illness, injury, or condition. I want them to feel at ease, respected, and confident in my nursing abilities.”
  • “Being a NICU nurse means taking care of other people’s children by using my knowledge of infant care and skills in attention to detail and observation to treat and heal them so they can grow up and live healthy lives.”
  • “Nurses must educate patients and their families, promote good health and wellness practices in the community, and advocate for better healthcare for all.”


You might be interested in learning how to write a nursing philosophy paper. The entire procedure is similar to the one you used to create a nursing practice philosophy. Examine how other nurse practitioners handled their noble mission in the past. Consider Florence Nightingale, who is unquestionably a role model for advanced nurse practitioners in the twenty-first century.

You can use Florence Nightingale’s values and beliefs as a starting point for your intelligent analysis and self-exploration. Please keep in mind, however, that this is a continuous process. It’s never going to end. Your philosophy is not the end goal of your journey. Instead, it is a journey that you embark on as a nurse.

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