Nursing research is a critical component of the healthcare industry. Nursing research aids in implementing new changes in individuals’ lifelong care and is used to develop treatments that provide the most optimal level of care in the health care system. Nursing research focuses on developing and promoting high standards in the following areas: high-quality patient management in long-term cases, growing advancements that aid patients in recovery, setting standards to reduce the number of diseases in the community, disease prevention, and promoting healthy lifestyles. Understanding the importance of nursing research as a medical student is a necessity throughout your academic journey and career.

What is nursing research?

Nursing research takes a comprehensive approach to treat patients, family members, and caregivers. Every day, significant advances are made in medicine as science progresses and expands man’s understanding of the boundaries of medicine and health. We can anticipate considerable and significant advances in health and treatment due to this. These new changes will be implemented and developed into therapies and treatments through Nursing Research, ultimately bringing faster healing and a higher quality of life to the patients who need them the most.
Clinical nursing research, based on biological, behavioral, and other types of studies, provides the scientific foundation for the care of individuals throughout their lives and takes place in any setting where nursing care is provided. Health systems and outcomes research investigates the accessibility, quality, and cost of health care services, as well as methods to improve the effectiveness and suitability of clinical practice. Finally, nursing education research focuses on how students learn the profession and how to improve educational strategies for clinicians.

Any profession must conduct research to advance. Healthcare is no exception, and nursing research has the potential to transform it. Nurses who use nursing research and evidence-based practice provide higher-quality care. Nursing is a career that necessitates extensive research. Why? Patients and caregivers rely on nurses for information so they can make informed healthcare decisions.

The research contributes to shaping the nursing profession as it evolves in response to societal needs and advances in medical science, assisting nurses in providing effective, evidence-based care. Research is also essential because it is a crucial predictor of nurse retention rates, which is required to ensure access to high-quality nursing care.

Nursing research questions are essential for expanding knowledge and guiding and improving practice. Although it can be time-consuming, they are necessary for nursing research. It improves nursing research methods and can aid in developing new ideas in the health care and nursing professions. However, various types of nursing research, such as tests and experiments, must be conducted to develop these new ideas. The research findings can help improve the quality of care and develop new treatments.

Implementation of nursing research in a career

According to the AACN article “Your Guide to Graduate Nursing Programs,” principal researchers must have a doctoral degree. However, most nurse researchers begin their careers as assistants, which necessitates a master’s degree.

A master’s degree in nursing online can help you prepare for a career as a nurse researcher. MSNC 5311 Nursing Research, one of the courses offered by Lamar University’s online MSN program, teaches students how to analyze nursing research methods, design research, collect data, and apply their findings to benefit nursing practice.

Advanced research skills enable nurses to continue advocating for and caring for patients by designing and assisting with scientific studies. These studies’ findings have a positive and immediate impact on various populations, including minorities, school-aged children, and the elderly. Nursing research allows nurses to apply their scientific knowledge while serving their patients’ immediate needs.

A nurse will need patients or clients to participate in research. It is critical to obtain informed consent from participants when conducting research. We must respect the individual’s decisions and choices because they are motivated by desires, feelings, and reasons. Gilligan proposed that nurses refrain from actions that may cause unnecessary suffering to others; this is included in patient-centered research.

Why is research important in nursing programs?

The research process is a necessary part of the nursing profession. Nurses collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide patients and their families with high-quality care. Research is “the systematic investigation into a specific subject or field of knowledge, typically using empirical or scientific methods.”

It’s difficult to recall a time when nurses didn’t use research in their work. Many nurses would have been in charge of performing clinical laboratory tests on patient samples before hospitals became more specialized. Today, nurses continue to rely heavily on research findings to improve patient outcomes and reduce illness risk factors.

These studies are reviewed at conferences and in journals that professional organizations such as The Organization of Nurse Executives (ONE) and The American Association of Colleges for Nursing subscribe to. Nurses continue to rely heavily on research findings to improve patient outcomes and reduce illness risk factors. Nurses are also responsible for informing patients about generalizability in nursing research and new developments in their field by staying current with current trends over time so that patients can make informed decisions when treating themselves or seeking care from others.

It is critical to communicate this information because it fosters a better understanding between healthcare providers and those who use their services. The National Institute of Nursing Research states that nursing research uncovers knowledge to lay the groundwork for clinical practice and reinforce the following:

  • Prevent illness and disability.
  • Handle illness symptoms.
  • Improve end-of-life care.

Nursing World reports that nurses use applied nursing research to improve outcomes for their patients and others in the healthcare system. Nurses use nursing research methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based care by combining their nursing research examples, professional experience, and a patient’s preferences as patients’ needs become more complex, and healthcare systems become more diverse. Based on existing research, nurses can conduct their research, apply analysis daily, and teach others.

Nursing and Information Literacy

Literacy is not synonymous with information literacy. Information literacy is necessary, and information literacy allows you to access, evaluate, and apply knowledge for personal decision-making or problem-solving in collaboration with others.

Information literacy is a life-long learning process that will be required to work with new technologies in the future.

Information literacy should be taught not only for its own sake, but also for the benefits it provides learners when they can search effectively for information from multiple sources on their topic, evaluate this literature according to accepted standards, synthesize findings into coherent arguments or summaries that advance understanding about an issue, and develop logical explanations or solutions based on evidence found through online searches and library databases, am

Evidence-Based Practice

When evaluating published research, keep the following four factors in mind:

1.      Validity

Is the study valid, dependable, and precise? The validity of a study is an essential factor to consider. Many published studies are poor, and some have sufficient evidence to suggest that they are false.

Psychologists, for example, asked participants about their sexual orientation in 1974, when homosexuality was still illegal in many states. The researchers discovered that self-reported gay men were far more likely than heterosexual males to report having sex with over 100 women, a figure far exceeding that of any other group surveyed written for themselves or others (Bancroft).

2.     Reliability

Is the measurement’s outcome consistent? Nursing is a profession that necessitates ongoing education. Because research informs nursing decisions, it is critical to access research findings. Gathering information from multiple sources yields more diverse knowledge than using only one source exclusively.

3.     Relevance

Is there a logical link between two events, concepts, or tasks? You could look up the nursing research topic in a research database to find out. It also aids in determining which new areas of research should be prioritized. Data from extensive studies that collect information on many people over long periods (called cohort studies) or smaller group-based tests designed to assess a person’s response to something like a drug are frequently used by researchers (called case-control studies).

4.     Outcome

What were the levels of evidence in nursing research? Every study produces a different result because the researchers have diverse objectives for the study.

The extent to which a researcher understands and applies design principles to test hypotheses, define problems ahead of time, and collect data efficiently using appropriate methods that control for unwanted variability from external sources such as confounding variables influences research outcomes.

Take over your nursing career

Your first year as a nurse can be challenging. You need someone in your corner to tell you what your managers need from you, teach you how to interact with your preceptor, and help you manage your life in general. Doing so has numerous benefits, such as avoiding duplicate work, which would increase costs while providing no additional benefits (eHealth Literacy).

Research methodologies

The research used in nursing research and evidence-based practice is conducted and analyzed by nursing experts. Nurses perform nursing research topics and collaborate in interdisciplinary studies with other healthcare professionals. Clinical research usually involves patients with a particular disease or a condition.

The generalizability of clinical research findings is based on multiple factors related to the internal and external validity of the research methods. The sampling method is the main methodological issue that influences the generalizability of clinical research findings. This educational article explains the different sampling methods in clinical research. What is sampling theory in nursing research? The process of selecting a sample theory in nursing from the target population.

The following research types are available:

•         Quantitative research

Data is interpreted using numbers, percentages, and variables. There are three types of quantitative research:

  1. Descriptive research describes an individual, a situation, or a group of people or their characteristics.
  2. This type of research looks for conclusions and connections based on observed traits.
  • The quasi-experimental research aims to determine the cause-and-effect relationships between variables.

•         Qualitative research

The outcomes are the result of thoughts, perceptions, and experiences. There are five types of qualitative research:

  • Ethnography observes or analyzes customs and practices to learn how different cultures perceive disease and health.
  • Theories in grounded theory are developed in response to questions, problems, and observations.
  • Symbolic interactionism investigates interaction, communication, and symbolism’s interpretations, reactions, and paradigms. These factors can influence how people change their health practices over time.
  • Historical research is the systematic examination of topics, cultures, or groups in the past.
  • The author’s personal experiences and insights inform Phenomenology.

Nursing Research’s Role in Online Programs

Nurses interested in online health care degrees may be drawn to the research aspect. For many years, research has played an essential role in nursing practices. It is still relevant as discoveries about humans are made at all levels of analysis.

Research is also essential in developing programs that will help people heal faster or prevent injury before it occurs. Nurses who want to learn more about their career path into education or administration can do so through online classes at most universities that offer nursing programs.

Scientific Investigation

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing classifies nursing research into three categories. Clinical research, biological research for nursing, nursing education research, and health systems and outcomes research are examples. Clinical research examines care for individuals throughout their lives, and nurses can conduct this research in any clinical setting. Nursing education research looks into how students learn about nursing. Finally, health systems and outcomes research is concerned with the quality, quantity, and costs of healthcare services and how to improve care delivery. These three areas encompass the entire scope of nursing research.


Nurses must research to improve their practice, stay current, and provide better patient care. As a nursing student, it is important to secure information literacy skills can use the information to develop their conclusions more effectively. You are also required to use evidence-based practice to help you understand the importance of nursing research. Nurses must be able to comprehend, evaluate, and apply research in their careers. Nursing schools teach these skills to help nurses advance in their careers.

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