You are probably aware of how complex and demanding nursing studies are if you chose nursing as your primary. While many students are eager to complete their studies and begin working in prestigious hospitals, they face some common difficulties. The most common is keeping up with practical assignments and writing projects.

Because practical assignments are so time-consuming, many students fall behind on their writing assignments. Nursing research papers appear to be the most difficult. Yes, doing the actual research and writing while also dealing with structuring, formatting, and citations is difficult. However, students frequently struggle to identify the best nursing research topic.

Even hours of combing through journals and online publications may not be enough to develop a good nursing research topic. Here at, we have compiled a list of nursing research topics to assist you.

Definition of a nursing research paper

A nursing research paper is concerned with a nursing-related topic. Nursing research paper topics are similar to medical research paper topics. Nonetheless, they approach the issues from a nursing perspective: child, midwifery, elderly care, and primary healthcare nursing.

Whether you choose to conduct original research and report on it or conduct a systematic review of previously published research, you must adhere to the highest academic standards. Your nursing research paper should be ready for publication when you finish it. It simply means that it must:

  • Include all of the necessary components;
  • Be correctly formatted and structured;
  • Format citations following the requirements.

Here are the components of the nursing research paper:

• Title page – a title that describes the study’s design, the full names of the authors, and the name of the corresponding author, if any;

• Abstract – a 350-word research paper summary includes background, methods, results, conclusions, and keywords.

• Introduction – the section that explains the study’s context. It should include a synopsis of existing research and literature. When writing an introduction for a research paper, make sure that readers understand why the research is essential.

• Methods – the section outlines the study’s purpose and design and describes all research methods used during the study. It should also highlight the research participants’ characteristics.

• Results – this section summarizes the findings, statistical analysis results, tables, and charts;

• Discussion – This section discusses the implications of the results in existing research. It frequently includes the study’s limitations;

• Conclusions – the section that states the main conclusion and the relevance and significance of the research.

Choosing a good nursing research paper

To write an informed and relevant nursing research paper, you must first select an appropriate topic. But how do you pick a good one? There are a few rules to follow. Make a point of reviewing the topic selection guidelines outlined in your assignment.

The most important thing to do is choose a topic that you find interesting. Why?

Because when you’re interested in a topic, research becomes much easier, and you’ll be motivated to dig deep, take notes, and find all relevant literature. You should also ensure that your topic is not too broad or narrow.

A broad topic will cause you to lose focus and require you to read excessive literature. On the other hand, a narrow one may be too difficult to work on due to limited access to literature.

Subsequently, try to define your topic selection as questions. It will help you understand it better and decide whether or not it is an interesting question.

Various Research Topics for Nursing Students

Below is the list of good and easy examples with the most popular ideas you might encounter when writing research papers.

1. Help in the Elderly Care Unit

2. Improving the Quality of Aid Care in Rural Communities

3. Risk Administration

4. Evaluation and Development Tools

5. First Aid Procedures

6. Acute stroke treatment: The role of the nurse during care

7. End-of-life Care Practices

8. Nurses’ Occupational Therapy

9. PTSD and Occupational Therapy

10. Pharmacological Math Computational Capabilities

Pediatric Nursing Research Topics

Pediatric assistance includes comprehensive care delivered to children, so one should be well-versed with the techniques, theories, and practices when working with a child.

Why Nurses Should Understand the Comfort Theory

1.       Pediatric Nurse Expectations of Children

2.       Pediatric Nurses’ Pain Management

3.       A Pediatric Nurse’s Experience with Burnout and Job Satisfaction

4.       Hospitalized Children: Pain Management Best Practices

5.       Verbal Abusive Behavior in Pediatric Practices

6.       Pediatric First Aid Supplies

7.       Nursing Research in the United States: An Overview

8.       Pediatric Assistance Heroes

9.       The Middle School’s Pediatric Unit

Adult Nursing Research Topics

This field has its quirks that young practitioners should be aware of to avoid negative consequences.

  1. Priorities in Adult Cancer
  2. Nursing in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: Innovative Approaches
  3. Practices for Adult Surgical Assisting
  4. Use of Adult Research Knowledge by Nurses
  5. Adult Critical Care: Why Is a Nurse Important?
  6. Moral Decision-Making in Nursing Dilemmas
  7. Nursing Spirituality
  8. Adult Intensive Care Priorities
  9. Nursing Practice Gender Ambiguities
  10. Adult Care Nurse Retention Strategies

Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics

If EBP appears too complicated at first glance, but you still don’t want to pay someone to write a research paper, consider a few topics.

1. Rating Systems in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

2. EBP Competencies

3. EBP Education

4. Nurses’ Misconceptions About EBP

5. Evolution of EBP Nursing

6. EBP and Leadership

7. EBP Challenges for New Nurses

8. Promotion of Quality Care and EBP

9. EBP Manual for Nurses

10. EBP in Primary Care

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Topics

The examples of quantitative and qualitative research methods provided below can help you learn how to use them in your career.

1. A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Assisting Acute Psychotic Patients

2. Methods of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

3. Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Generalization Myths and Facts

4. Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research Methods: Which Is the Best for Nursing?

5. The Importance of Quantitative Research

6. Sampling and Qualitative Research

7. Data Analysis for Qualitative Research

8. Mixed Methods of Mental Health Care

9. Mother Satisfaction with Postpartum Nursing Care: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study

10 Qualitative Research Flaws in Pediatric Nursing

Critical Care Nursing Research Topics

Critical care nursing (CCN) knowledge is essential for nurses’ stress management to practical techniques and strategies applicable to adult and child care.

1. The Gray Gorrila Syndrome

2. Stress in Critical Care and Its Management

3. Grief Experience in Critical Care Units

4. Critical Care Nursing Decision Making

5. CCN Technologies

6. Children’s Post-Surgery CCN

7. Simulator Training for New Critical Care Nurses

8. Critical Care Nurses’ Patient Safety

9. CCN and LGBTQ Patients

10. CCN and Organ Donation

Pain Management Nursing Research Topics 

One of the fundamental medical skills that a nurse should master before working with patients is pain management. This concept is the focus of these topics.

1. Pain Assessment Attitudes and Beliefs

2. What Are the Consequences of Failing to Provide Efficient Pain Management?

3. Pain Assessment by a Nurse During Surgery

4. Medicated or Non-Medicated Pain Management After Surgery

5. Pain Management in the Elderly

6. Chronic Pain and Effective Pain Management

7. Cancer Survivors’ Pain Management

8. Post-Operative Pain Assessment for Children

9. Pain Management Practices in the Pediatric Department

10. Pain Management Medication Trends Nurses Should Be Aware Of

Emergency Nursing Research Topics

Medical assistance in emergencies necessitates a great deal of responsibility from the person in charge, so there are so many related things a nurse should be aware of before going on duty.

1. Case Study of Emergency Aid Personnel Intuition

2. Anxiety Level of ER Assistance Personnel

3. ER Violence Against Nursing Personnel

4. Emergency Nurse Accuracy in Assessing Patients’ Pain: Techniques

5. EN Interventions in Women Following Abdominal Surgery

6. Emergency Department Patient Flow: How Nurses Can Improve It

7. Assault on Emergency Nurses by Patients

8. Pediatric ER: The Nurse’s Role in the Unit

9. How to Reduce Stress and Prevent Burnout in Emergency Nurses

10. The Future of Emergency Room Care

Obstetrics Nursing Research Topics

The quality of care provided in Ob-Gyn cabinets is essentially the quality of our survival as a species. That is why every nurse must be as professional and skilled as possible.

1. The Gender Role of Obstetric Nurses: A Case Study

2. Obstetric Nursing Simulation Training in High Definition

3. EBP in Obstetric Care

4. Social Factors Affecting Obstetrics

5. Qualities That Every Obstetric Nurse Should Possess to Be Successful

6. Ob-Gyn Nursing Principles

7. How to Handle Patient Abuse of Nurses in the Obstetrics Unit

8. Case Study in Rural and Urban Obstetrics Nursing

9. Obstetrics Assistance in Cabinets Worldwide: Practices

10. Burnout and Depressive Symptoms in Women: The Role of the Obstetrics Nurse

11. The Future of Emergency Room Care

Neonatal Nursing Research Topics

  1.  Preventing Nurse Interactions with Young Mothers
  2. Palliative Care for Newborns
  3.  Neonatal Intensive Care: Technological Advances
  4.  Obstacles to Neonatal Care: What a New Practitioner Should Know
  5.  Neonatal Nursing Vulnerability
  6.  Pain Control in Neonatal Units
  7.  Nursing Intervention to Encourage Motherhood 8. Noise Reduction in Neonatal Units
  8.   Parental Visitation Management in Neonatal Units: A Nurse’s Perspective
  9. Mapping the Nursing Intervention in Neonatal Hypothermia9. Obstetrics Assistance in Cabinets Worldwide: Practices
  10. Burnout and Depressive Symptoms in Women: The Role of the Obstetrics Nurse
  11.  The Future of Emergency Room Care

Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

Assisting patients with mental illnesses is a very responsible mission. This is why you must learn about its peculiarities in medical school. To succeed, you may also require the assistance of a nursing paper writing service.

1. Military Hospital Patients: Mental Health Therapy

2. Mental Health: Factors Influencing Successful Collaboration Among Nurses, Patients, and Relatives

3. Emotional Labor in Psychiatric Hospitals

4. Mental Practices Across Cultures

5. Mental Health Medical Assistance History

6. Acute Patients in Mental Institutions: Nursing Interventions

7. Mental Health Education: A Nurse’s View of What Is Missing

8. A Nurse’s Perspective on Social Control in the Mental Health Department

9. The Relationship Between Mental Health and Physical Well-Being

10. Practices in Child Mental Health

Women’s Health Nursing Research Topics

Numerous factors influence the success of women’s care, and it is the responsibility of a new professional to be aware of them.

1. Women’s Health Concerns Throughout Their Lives

2. Cultural Differences in Medical Assistance for Women

3. Nursing Practices to Avoid in Maternity and Women’s Health

4. Women’s Health Nursing and Postpartum Stress

5. Women’s Health in Immigrant Communities

6. The Influence of Health Literacy on Women’s Health: What Can a Nurse Do?

7. A Qualitative Study of Women’s Mental Health Aid

8. Moral Obligation in Women’s Health Medical Assistance

9. An American Model of Medical Assistance for Women’s Health

10. Women’s Health Nursing from a Feminist Point of View

Ethics Paper Topics

A professional nurse understands the distinction between what is ethically wrong and what is morally right.

1. The Value of Ethics

2. What Is Unethical: A Nurse’s Point of View

3. Ethical Decision Making in the Intensive Care Unit

4. What exactly is an Ethical Nurse?

5. Ethical Concerns in Nursing Elderly Patients with Mental Illness

6. Code of Ethics for Emergency Room Nurses

7. Intercultural Ethics

8. Ethical Holistic Care Practices

9. A Case Study in End-of-Life Nursing Ethics

10. Moral Distress in Medical Care: An Ethical Perspective

Nursing Intervention Research Topics

Nursing intervention (NI) practices are an essential component of any medical school curriculum. As a result, if you are unwilling to pay for a medical research paper on the topic, here is a list of issues to investigate on your own.

1. NI for Patients Following Cardiac Arrest

2. NI and Abdominal Surgery

3. Music as NI: When It Makes Sense

4. Family-Centered Care and NI

5. Foot Massage as an NI for Cancer Patients

6. National Insurance for Cancer Patients

7. NI for Pediatric Care with Animals

8. Pre-Operative NI to Reduce Anxiety

9. Adult Care Approach in NI Art Therapy

10. How to Create an Efficient NI for ER

Nursing Leadership Paper Topics 

1. Leadership Personalities

2. Leadership in Emergency Room Management

3. Nursing Leadership: How to Become a Leader 4. Pediatric Unit Leadership Roles and Priorities

5. Strategies for Leadership in Rural Practices

6. A Correlation Study of Leadership and Patient Outcomes

7. Nursing Education for Leadership Positions

8. Clinical Nursing Leadership

9. Nursing Leadership Evolution

10. The Patients’ Perspective on Leadership

Nurse Practitioner Research Topics

1. Nurse Practitioner Trial

2. Nurse Practitioner Primary Care

3. Nurse Practitioner Effectiveness Research

4. Assessing the Role of the Nurse Practitioner in a Community Health Center

5. How to Be an Effective Nurse Practitioner

6. Generic Practice Nurse Practitioner

7. To-Do List for a New Nurse Practitioner: How to Assess Patient Satisfaction

8. A Private Clinic Nurse Practitioner Role: Admin vs. Assisting

9. Nurse Practitioner Role Transition: Changing Units

10. Management of Nurse Practitioners

Psychiatric Research Topics

1. Nursing Psychiatric Care Plans

2. What Doesn’t Work for Nurses in Psychiatric Theory

3. Modern Psychiatric Nursing Practices

4. Psychiatric Cultural Ethics Competence

5. Occupational Therapy in Psychiatric Medical Aid

6. Psychiatric Unit Work with Young Patients

7. Nursing Stigma in Psychiatric Practice

8 Characteristics of a Psychiatric Nurse

9. Psychiatric Nursing Competencies to Keep the Unit Safe

10. Promoting Social Dialogue from the Perspective of a Psychiatric Nurse

Child Nursing Research Topics

One of the most specialized areas of medicine in pediatrics. Children are just like regular people, only more minor and unable to communicate what appears to be the problem, making treatment that much more difficult.

Child nursing is a broad topic, and research papers can be written in various ways to cover a wide range of issues. Here are some of the most intriguing subjects for child nursing that we’ve come up with.

  1. The Common Causes of Childhood Seizures
  2. Pediatric Care Ethics
  3. Healthy Diet and Child Obesity
  4. The Influence of Social Media on Children’s Eating Habit
  5. Exploring Speech Disorder Therapy
  6. The Most Effective Newborn Resuscitation Techniques
  7. Children’s Critical Care Demands
  8. Children’s Malnutrition: The Most Effective Treatment Strategies
  9. The Leading Causes of Child Death in the “Country Name.”
  10. ADHD in Children: Causes and New Treatments


Midwifery Nursing Research Paper Topics

Midwives are medical specialists who receive far too little attention. Midwives are in high demand, and as long as babies are born, there will be a need for them. There are numerous things you can learn as a midwife or aspiring midwife to improve the level of care you provide.

However, if you’re writing a research paper, things may appear more complicated. Don’t worry; here are ten midwifery nursing research paper topics that you can use for your next exam.

1. Obese Pregnant Women’s Most Important Safety Rules

2. Methods for Assessing the Impact of Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping

3. Emerging Obstetric and Gynecological Trends

4. Why Is Vitamin D Supplementation Important During Pregnancy?

5. Postnatal Period and Mental Health

6. Improving Neonatal and Maternal Care in Rural Areas

7. The Most Common Obstacles to Pregnancy Weight Gain

8. The Most Common Risks of Working in Water and How to Avoid Them

9. The Effects of Hepatitis B and AIDS on Pregnant Women

10. The Importance of Prenatal Care

Elderly Care Nursing Topics

Caring for babies as a midwife is one thing, but caring for the elderly is another. Caring for the elderly is difficult. Unlike pregnant women, who are usually all excited about their pregnancy or fall into some category, geriatric patients are vastly different and require a unique approach to each patient.

Elderly care is both one of the most rewarding and one of the most demanding fields of nursing. With that in mind, here are ten geriatric care topics to investigate:

1. Investigating the Ethics of Geriatric Care

2. Critical Care Needs in Elderly Care

3. Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease in the Elderly

4. Restless Legs Syndrome: Causes and Treatment

5. Investigating a Holistic Approach to Geriatric Care

6. The Most Effective Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Practices

7. The Best Nursing Practices for Working with Alzheimer’s Patients

8. The Atrial Fibrillation Study

9. The Most Effective Bladder Cancer Treatment

10. The Ten Most Common Joint Disorders in the Elderly

Primary Healthcare Nursing Topics

Primary health care addresses the most common health issues that people encounter. It is an essential aspect of nursing and will necessitate the broadest possible approach. If you have primary healthcare as a more general topic and are studying nursing or writing a research paper, you have many options.

However, when you have many options, you may choose one that isn’t all that great. With that in mind, why not try one of ours, which are all interesting, entertaining, and, most importantly, unique?

  1. Probiotics’ Effectiveness in Diarrhea Treatment
  2. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Private and Public Healthcare Systems
  3. Vaccination Programs: Exploring the Advantages and Drawbacks
  4. The Most Common Mistakes Made by Primary Health Care Providers
  5. How Have Private Healthcare Providers Affected the System of Mental Health Services?
  6. Understanding the Different Nursing Credential Levels and Job Requirements
  7. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Medical Services at Patients’ Homes
  8. School Nurses: Required Qualifications, Role, and Future Prospects
  9. The Effectiveness of Evaluation Methods in Public Healthcare Facilities
  10. Exploring Data Collection Ethics in Public Healthcare Facilities: Patient Privacy Rights

Nursing Careers Research Topics

Nursing is a challenging but exciting and rewarding profession in itself. Like many other things, nursing is not for everyone, but those who pursue it as a career tend to thrive in it.

There are numerous positions available in the medical field, with nursing accounting for most available jobs. Here are some of the most important topics concerning nursing as a career option:

  1. Diversity in Private and Public Healthcare Systems
  2. How is Technology Affecting Nursing’s Future?
  3. Assessing the Benefits and Drawbacks of a Remote Intensive Care Unit
  4. Best Practices for Promoting Physical and Mental Health in Nurses
  5. Clinical Nurses: Understanding the Primary Roles and Responsibilities
  6. Homeless Nursing and Medical Treatment
  7. Nursing Professionals Who Have Forever Changed Nursing
  8. Nursing Theories and Their Impact on Modern Nursing Practices
  9. Stress Management Techniques for Critical Care Nurses
  10. The Nursing Professional’s Role and Career Service in Health Promotion

Interesting Nursing Research Topics

Nursing is not as exciting as being a brain surgeon, nor is it as well paid – but a nurse’s job is still quite attractive compared to many other professions. Consider this: as a nurse, you have to deal with a plethora of tasks every day, but you also get to work with people, which adds a whole new dimension to the job.

To say the job is fascinating is an understatement; what isn’t an understatement is writing a research paper on what makes nursing so interesting, which you can do by following one of the ten topics listed below.

1. Cutting-Edge Technologies and Clinical Cardiology Innovations

2. The Most Effective Sleep Disorder Treatments

3. Menopause-Related Common Issues

4. Investigating the Moral Aspects of Euthanasia

5. Causes and Treatment of Hypertensive Diseases

6. Indications and Preparation for Caesarean Section

7. Distinctions Between Alternative and Complementary Medicine

8. The Root Causes of Type II Diabetes

9. Nursing and Night Shifts: The Most Efficient Stress Reduction Strategies

10. Breast Cancer Prevention: Investigating the Most Effective Strategies


When choosing a nursing research paper topic for an exam, midterm, or assessment, you may feel under pressure. Practical assignments frequently consume excessive time and energy, leaving you feeling overwhelmed. Finding ideas for nursing research papers can be challenging at times.

Contact our team of professional writers, and we will deliver a high-quality nursing research paper just in time for you to submit it. Our writing experts are ready to provide professional writing help for nursing students, including expert evaluation of the chosen topic and correct use of medical terms and definitions. Students can choose from a list of writers based on credentials, essay type, subject, the number of works completed, affordable prices, work with urgent deadlines and help with sources and formatting. What distinguishes is that visitors collaborate with the chosen writer, ensuring complete control over each writing stage, beginning with selecting a relevant topic.


