Recovery Focused Nursing Care Plan

Recovery Focused Nursing Care Plan Assignment

Case Study 1:

The Client with Depression: Kate

Clinician Role: Admitting Nurse: Adult Inpatient Unit

Identifying information: Kate is a 27-year-old single woman referred to the local inpatient Unit by her GP. She has worked in the retail industry in a variety of clothing and fashion shops for 9 years and has progressed up to the level of store manager though she lost her job 12 weeks ago due to the store she was working in closing down in favour of an online store. Kate lives in her own home with her sister, Veronica, and Veronica’s 10-week-old daughter, Jamie. Veronica moved in 4 months ago when she unintentionally fell pregnant and Kate had stepped in to support her through the pregnancy.

When Kate lost her job Veronica and Kate agreed Veronica would keep her part time job and Kate would look after Jamie when Veronica was at work as this would allow them to meet their financial commitments. Presenting Complaint: Kate states, “I’m not coping at all with the baby; I’m sad and upset all the time, and I’m a bad sister for not supporting and loving Veronica and Jamie more”.

Current life stressors reported by Kate include:

Her father’s death in a car accident 6 months ago. Kate had not seen him in 1.5 years and expresses guilt that they were not close.

Her mother’s surgery for cancer 11 months earlier. Whilst she has made a good recovery Kate is fearful that she will relapse and die in the near future.

The birth of her sister Veronica’s baby Jamie [now 10 weeks old]. Veronica had fallen pregnant after and one night stand and does not know who the father of her daughter is. Kate had taken on a lead role in supporting her sister and they had both been very excited about the birth and the impending change in their lives. After Jamie came home Kate started to struggle with having her in the house and started to resent her sister for putting them in this situation; Kate feels very guilty about this “I’m a terrible person” and thinks she should have been more supportive.


Academic Level Masters
Subject Area Nursing
Paper Type  Course Work
Number of Pages 8 Page(s)/2200 words
Sources 12
Paper Format APA
Spacing Double Spaced

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